Sunday, 30 December 2012

Effects of Vibrations, thoughts on water

Let this blog find you among vibes of purity.

One of our favourite topics in our workshops is VIBES. Have you ever considered the strangeness & logic behind some of the following occurrences?

  • You think of a song and soon you find it playing somewhere
  • You think of a person and you get a call/mail from him/her
  • You go for a meeting/presentation, hoping that the flaw/weak point in it goes unnoticed. It is one of the first questions asked!
  • You can differentiate between real smile & plastic smile: without any formal training!!

These can be explained by the concept of vibrations. It is said that all our thoughts turn into vibes and reach all those who are connected with those thoughts. Vibes go beyond time & distance.

However best one pretends, we can always sense the true intent of a person. We have this in-built ‘authenticity sensor’ which receives the true vibes of a person. Our mind sometimes overrides the gut feeling/vibes and sooner or later we realize it!

A very interesting experiment was done in Japan by Dr. Masaru Emoto. The subject was on effect of thoughts on water. The results were later published in a book: "Messages from Water and the Universe"

Dr. Emoto exposed words: spoken & typed, pictures, videos and music to Water. After exposure for few hours, each sample of water was frozen and the crystal structure was photographed under a dark field microscope. The results were very interesting: some photographs are given here.

Effect of various types of music:

Amazing Grace – Hymn
Beethoven’s Pastorale
A heavy metal song
4.2 JP
File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 5.2
Amazing Grace – Hymn
Beethoven’s Pastorale
A heavy metal song

Water from different sources

Antarctic ice
Fuji river, Japan
Natural water from Reggina, Italy
River Ganges, India
File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 5.2
File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 5.2
Antarctic ice
Fuji river, Japan
Natural water from Reggina, Italy
River Ganges, India

Effect of prayer

Before prayer offering at Fujiwara Dam
After prayer offering at Fujiwara Dam
Before prayer offering at Fujiwara Dam
After prayer offering at Fujiwara Dam

Effect of pictures / words

Photo of dolphins
“Love & gratitude”
File written by Adobe Photoshop¨ 5.2
4.2 JP
Photo of dolphins
“Love & gratitude”

“Thank you”
“You make me sick. I will kill you”
“Adolph Hitler”
“You fool”
“Thank you”
“You make me sick. I will kill you”
“Adolph Hitler”
“You fool”

After exposure to a child
After exposure to a child

If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what our thoughts can do to us: up to 60% of our body is water!

Wishing you a prosperous new year 2013. May you discover many hidden talents of yours. May you connect with insights and inner power to make your dreams come true.

Warm regards,


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Power of internal dialogues and thoughts

Let this blog find you aware of your internal dialogues and the power behind your thoughts.

A friend gifted a book “Powers Within” – (Selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother – compiled by AS Dalal.)

It is quite an interesting book and may assist you in travelling within as you explore your life.

Everything we think turns into vibrations and gets communicated to whoever it is meant to. We cannot tamper the original vibes. They go AS THEY ARE to the universe.

The excerpt below from the book is in line with this thought. You may find it useful.

…Everyone has in him… the power to give form to his mental activity and use this form either in his ordinary activity or to create and realize something. We are all the time, always, creating images, creating forms. We send them into the atmosphere without even knowing that we are doing so – they go roaming about, pass from one person to another, meet companions, sometimes join together and get on happily, sometimes create conflicts… There are battles; for often, very often, in these mental imaginations there is a small element of will which tries to realize itself. Everyone tries to send out his formation so that it can act, so that things can happen as he wants and, as everyone does this, it creates a general confusion.

If our eyes were open to the vision of all these forms in the atmosphere, we would see very amazing things: battlefields, waves, onsets, retreats of a crowd of small mental entities which are constantly thrown out into the air and always try to realize themselves. All these formations have a common tendency to want to materialize and realize themselves physically, and as they are countless – they are far too many for there to be room enough on earth to manifest them – they jostle and elbow one another, they try to push back those which do not agree with them or even form armies marching in good order, always to take up the available room both in time & space….

So, individually, this is what happens. Some people do all that without knowing it – perhaps everybody – and they are constantly tossed from one thing to another, and hope, wish, desire, are disappointed, sometimes happy, sometimes in despair, for they don’t have any control or mastery over these things.

But the beginning of wisdom is to look at ourselves thinking and to see this phenomenon, become aware of this constant projection into the atmosphere of small living entities which are trying to manifest. All this comes out of the mental atmosphere which we carry within ourselves. Once we see and observe, we can begin to sort them out, that is, to push back what is not in conformity with our highest will or aspiration and allow to move towards manifestation only the formations which can help us to progress and develop normally.

This is the control of active thought…

How many times you sit and become aware that the thought is beginning to form images for itself, to tell itself a story?... when you have become a little expert at it, not only do you see unfolding before you the history of what you would like to happen in life, in your own life, but you can take something away, add a detail, perfect your work, make a really fine story in which everything conforms with your highest aspiration. And once you have made a complete harmonious construction, as perfect as you can make it, then you open your hands and let the bird fly away.

If it is well made, it always realizes itself in the end. And that is what one doesn’t know.

But the thing is realized in the course of time. Sometimes long afterwards, when you have forgotten your story, can no longer remember having told it to yourself. You have changed much, are thinking about other things, making other stories, and the first one no longer interests you. If you are not very attentive, when the result of the first story comes, you are already very far away from it and no longer remember at all that this is the result of your own story.

That is why it is so important to control yourself, for if within you there are multiple and contradictory wills --- not only wills but tendencies, orientations, levels of life --- all this causes battles in your life. For example, at your highest level you have fashioned a beautiful story which you send out into the world. But then, ... perhaps a little later, you have come down to a much more material level, and these things from above seem to you a little … fairy like, unreal… You begin to make very concrete, very utilitarian formations which are not always very pretty….and these too go out.

I have known people with such opposite sides in their nature, so contradictory, that one day they could make a magnificent, luminous, powerful formation for realization, and the next day a defeatist, dark, black formation – a formation of despair – and so both would go out. And I was able to follow in the course of circumstances the beautiful one being realized, and while it was being realized, the dark one demolishing what the first one had done.

That is how it is in the larger lines of life as in its smaller details. And all that because one does not watch oneself thinking, because one believes one is the slave of these contradictory movements, because one says, “Oh! Today I am not feeling well, Oh! Today things seem sad to me”, and one says this as if it were an inescapable fate against which one could do nothing. But if one stands back or ascends a step, one can look at all these things, put them in their place, keep some, destroy or get rid of those one does not want and put all one’s imaginative power … only in those one wants and which confirm with one’s highest aspiration. That is what I call controlling one’s imagination.

… And instead of being a cork afloat on the waves of the sea and tossed here and there by each wave, defenselessly, one becomes a bird which opens its wings, flies above the waves and goes wherever it wants.


May you become more and more aware of your inner thoughts and the realities they create. May you get mastery in tuning those thoughts to bring consistent laser quality energy vibes; which in turn materialize what you designed.

Warm regards,
