Monday, 8 July 2013

Good luck or bad luck - who knows - a story on remaining neutral to a situation

Let this blog find you balanced, observing various events and challenges in life.

A friend sent the following story and I found it simple and inspiring.

Good luck, bad luck, who knows?

A father and his son owned a farm. They did not have many animals, but they did own a horse.  The horse pulled the plow, guided by the farmer’s son. One day the horse ran away.

“How terrible, what bad luck,” said the neighbours.

“Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” replied the farmer.

Several weeks later the horse returned, bringing with him four wild horses.

“What marvellous luck,” said the neighbours.

“Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” replied the farmer.

The son began to train the wild horses, but one day he was thrown and broke his leg.

“What bad luck,” said the neighbours.

“Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” replied the farmer.

The next week the army came to the village to take all the young men to war. The farmer’s son was still disabled with his broken leg, so he was excused. 

I am learning to keep my cool:
-       Staying grounded in major successes, and refrain from euphoria
-       Avoid feeling overwhelmed in any major crisis
-       Including wholeness in my perspective

Probably in the larger picture, every event has a purpose, only to be revealed much later.

May this story inspire you to stay neutral in all situations.

Warm regards,

Rohan Singal

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